About Centreville Life

Centreville Life is brought to you by residents of Centreville, Virginia.

We have lived in the Centreville area for almost 30 years, and have seen it grow from a small town to the bustling area it is today.

There are plenty of websites that list local businesses and events, but few of them are curated by people who actually live here. We hope to be the “one stop shop” where you can find out what’s going on in Centreville, and the area around us. We will not report on events in D.C. but we will let you know about Civil War reenactments going on nearby in Manassas or Clifton.

This site is a useful resource for the community, and your input will help make it grow and succeed. What would you like to do this weekend? What organizations are you interested in? What volunteer opportunities are there in the area? Want to sell some stuff in your garage? Centreville Life has information on events, yard sales, restaurants, organizations, volunteer opportunities, businesses, and so much more!

We hope that you will enjoy the many attributes of this site, and that you would also become a part of it by contributing articles, notifications of upcoming events, and submit your input as to what features or resources you would like to see posted.

How can you contribute to Centreville Life?

Let us know about your group, organization or event.  Are you looking for volunteers? Do you have a school fundraiser coming up?  Send information on any upcoming community events: yard sales, fundraisers, kudos — anything that you think your neighbors would like to know about! This site is a positive place that celebrates the great place that we live!

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